Hey, Bookworms! We all are facing such a hard time, I hope all of you are safe and secure. Life is just stuck and it is hard to be positive in this hard time. Even, it is hard to read. I was in semi-slump, I want to read, want to escape, but can’t focus. Fortunately,…

A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes #2)-Book Review

Elias and Laia are running for their lives. After the events of the Fourth Trial, Martial soldiers hunt the two fugitives as they flee the city of Serra and undertake a perilous journey through the heart of the Empire. Laia is determined to break into Kauf—the Empire’s most secure and dangerous prison—to save her brother,…

The Giver (The Giver #1)-Book Review

Twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a seemingly ideal world. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver does he begin to understand the dark secrets behind this fragile community. . . . . . . . The Giver by Lois Lowry

Goodreads Rating vs Mine (My Lowest Ratings-1)

Hey Everyone… How are you all? Goodreads is the most reliable platform for books ratings and we all rely on it…don’t we? But we all are different, we like different books, different genres moves us, we see words in different lights…So it isn’t always possible to like or dislike all books.

Blog Tour-Don’t Check Out This Book!-e-ARC Review

Is the sweet town of Appleton ripe for scandal? Consider the facts: Appleton Elementary School has a new librarian named Rita B. Danjerous. (Say it fast.) Principal Noah Memree barely remembers hiring her. Ten-year-old Reid Durr is staying up way too late reading a book from Ms. Danjerous’s controversial “green dot” collection. The new school board…

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)-Book Review

Laia is a slave. Elias is a soldier. Neither is free. Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by…

Gun Island-Book Review

From the award-winning author of the bestselling epic Ibis trilogy comes a globetrotting, folkloric adventure novel about family and heritage Bundook. Gun. A common word, but one that turns Deen Datta’s world upside down. A dealer of rare books, Deen is used to a quiet life spent indoors, but as his once-solid beliefs begin to…


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words where you answer three fixed questions.